The Adah Sharma-starrer film ‘The Kerala Story’ is still making waves at the box office amidst all the bans and criticisms it faces. The film, which was released 13 days ago, has managed to secure ₹165 crore at the box office. This makes it the second-highest-grossing Bollywood film in 2023.
The film crossed the line of ₹100 crore within nine days of its release and crossed ₹150 crores by day 12. Now the estimated gross is at ₹165.94 crore. It is expected that the movie will cross ₹200 crores soon. The film is slated to release in UK on 19 May, 2023.
The plot of the film focuses on three innocent Malayali girls who are forced to convert to Islam and are recruited into the ISIS for their terrorist activities. Political parties, including Congress and the CPI (M), came out and criticised the film. They argued that the film is aimed at defaming the state of Kerala, but the reception of the film for showcasing global terrorism led to the massive success it has today.