RRR director S S Rajamouli shared a heartfelt note on Twitter earlier in regard to the untimely demise of Irish actor Ray Stevenson. The director expressed how working with Stevenson was pure joy, remembering the vibrancy and energy he brought to the sets.
Shocking… Just can't believe this news. Ray brought in so much energy and vibrancy with him to the sets. It was infectious. Working with him was pure joy.
My prayers are with his family. May his soul rest in peace. pic.twitter.com/HytFxHLyZD
— rajamouli ss (@ssrajamouli) May 23, 2023
Stevenson was born on May 25, 1964, in the city of Lisburn, Northern Ireland. The actor recently gained widespread popularity for his portrayal of the antagonist, Governor Scott Buxton, in the Oscar-winning film RRR. His acting debut was in the 1998 film The Theory of Flight, and he was known for his portrayal of the Marvel character Punisher in the 2008 film Punisher: War Zone.
The actor was also part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where he played Volstagg in the Thor movies, and was also part of the Star Wars franchise as a voice artist in Star Wars Rebels and as a villain in the upcoming series Ahsoka.
Filmmaker and co-CEO of DC Studios, James Gunn, also took to his Twitter handle to share his condolences for the actor.
Damn. So sorry to hear about the passing, far too young, of Ray Stevenson. I only knew him a little from shooting post-credits of Thor 2 & a couple interactions at events, but we had some good laughs & he was a joy to work with. His friends & family are in my heart today. ♥️
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) May 22, 2023