Thrissur: The highly regarded filmmaker Priyadarshan has been bestowed with the prestigious Bharathan Award (Bharat Kalyan Suvarna Mudra) for Best Director. This esteemed accolade will be presented to him by the renowned singer P Jayachandran on July 31 at a ceremony at the regional theatre of Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Akademi.
The forthcoming ceremony will not only honour Priyadarshan but will also serve as a two-day commemoration of the late Bharathan, an iconic director in the film industry, on the occasion of his 25th death anniversary. The announcement of this distinguished award was made during a press conference attended by prominent figures such as MP Surendran, C Venugopal, Anil Vasudev, advocate E Rajan, and Anil C Menon, among others.
Early this year, Priyadarshan produced and directed the Malayalam film “Corona Papers,” starring Shane Nigam. The film, which was an official remake of the Tamil film “8 Thottakkal,” itself loosely inspired by the 1949 Japanese film “Stray Dog,” was released on April 6, 2023, receiving positive reviews. Though it had a moderate performance at the box office, the film further showcased Priyadarshan’s versatility and commitment to storytelling.
Priyadarshan has long been recognised for his remarkable contributions to Indian cinema, garnering widespread acclaim for his directorial prowess and ability to create compelling narratives. Over the course of his extensive career, spanning several decades, he has helmed numerous successful films across various genres, leaving an indelible mark on the industry.