Kerala: The beloved Malayali superhero ‘Minnal Murali,’ created by director Basil Joseph and portrayed by the talented actor Tovino Thomas, has achieved another milestone as it makes its grand debut in the world of comic books. The makers of ‘Minnal Murali’ jubilantly confirmed this exciting development through their official social media handle.
According to media reports, the production house behind the superhero film proudly announced their collaboration with esteemed names in the comic book industry, including Amar Chitra Katha, Tinkle Comics Studio, and Spirit Media. This remarkable partnership is set to immortalise the iconic character ‘Minnal Murali’ in the vibrant and captivating universe of comic books.
Sophia Paul, the producer of the film, shared the momentous news on her social media platform, expressing her excitement for this new phase of ‘Minnal Murali.’ She stated, “The next phase begins here! Weekend Blockbusters is proud to announce that we are associating with @amarchitrakatha, @tinklecomicsstudio, and @thespiritmedia to bring our favourite superhero, Minnal Murali, to the world of comic books.”
Sophia Paul further elaborated on the collaboration, stating, “We’re excited to join forces with Rana’s Spirit Media, as they share our love for the superhero genre. Minnal Murali was a work of deep love and passion, and we’re thrilled to present him in a new comic avatar to the fans.”