Mumbai: The much-anticipated film “Bawaal,” starring Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor, will be released on Prime Video in the month of July. The producers made the formal announcement with a new poster on Instagram, putting an end to fans’ long wait. Varun and Janhvi work together on the big screen for the first time in this flick. The film takes viewers on a unique trip around Europe with its compelling tale set in the heart of India.
Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, “Bawaal” features Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor in the lead roles and will exclusively premiere on Prime Video in India and over 200 countries and territories worldwide in July. The filmmaker stated his pleasure over the film, adding that “Bawaal” was shot in three Indian sites and five European nations. He emphasised Varun and Janhvi’s great chemistry, as well as the engaging plot and breathtaking graphics. The filmmaker feels that the film’s international release on Prime Video will allow it to reach people in India and beyond, and he is looking forward to hearing their views.
“Bawaal” is co-produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under the Nadiadwala Grandson banner in association with EarthSky Pictures. Originally scheduled for a theatrical release on April 7, 2023, the film’s release was later postponed. Sajid Nadiadwala, the producer, expressed his delight in working on this special and ambitious project. He praised Nitesh Tiwari as his most beloved filmmaker and commended Varun and Janhvi for giving their best in their first film together. The film’s release date was initially rescheduled to October 6, 2023, but the decision has now been made for a direct OTT release.