Mumbai: NCP Chief Sharad Pawar who filed his nomination on Wednesday for March 26 Rajya Sabha election, submitted an affidavit which claims that his assets have gone up by Rs 60 lakh in the last six years to Rs 32.73 crore.
The affidavit filed by him also revealed liabilities of Rs one crore for advance deposits received against transfer of shares from his nephew Ajit Pawar’s wife Sunetra Pawar and grandnephew Parth Pawar, reported PTI.
In his poll affidavit submitted Pawar also declared movable assets of Rs 25,21,33,329 and immovable assets worth Rs 7,52,33,941, which amount to Rs 32.73 crore.
He also mentioned that his wife Pratibha Pawar has received an advance deposit of Rs 50 lakh against transfer of shares from Ajit Pawar’s wife Sunetra Pawar.
During the 2014 Rajya Sabha election, Pawar declared movable assets of Rs 20,47,99,970.41 and immovable assets of Rs 11,65,16,290 totalling to about Rs 32.13 crore.