Mumbai: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Chief Mohan Bhagwat on Wednesday hailed the decision of a nationwide lockdown for 21 days to combat the spread of coronavirus.
In his address, Bhagwat said, ” India, along with the world, is embroiled in a war against the global crisis. Therefore, the volunteers have a responsibility to follow. Today is ‘resolution day’ (Sankalp Diwas), as we have to remain resolute in doing our duty and performing our social responsibilities, in order to gain victory over the coronavirus threat. Our work can be done properly by following the 21-day lockdown.”
“Maintaining social distance is very important in this fight. This can only be spread through community discipline,” he said.
Bhagwat asked the people to keep aside one’s personal interests and focus on national interest which is the need of the hour.
He said that at this point of crisis people have to abide by the regulations made by the government and administration.