Mumbai: The Reliance Industries (RIL) led by Mukesh Ambani announced on Monday that they will donate an amount of Rs 500 crore to PM CARES Fund in India’s fight against coronavirus.
“Reliance Industries Ltd. today announced a donation of INR 500 crore to PM CARES Fund in response to the call by the Prime Minister to support the nation’s fight against the Coronavirus onslaught,” the official statement read.
India’s richest man also pledged to contribute 5 crore each to Chief Minister’s Relief Fund of Maharashtra and Gujarat.
The company has also come forward in production capacities to produce one lakh masks per day and thousands of personal protective equipment (PPEs), such as suits and garments, for health-workers.
“As the nation comes together to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, all of us at Reliance Foundation stand in solidarity with our countrymen and women, especially those on the frontlines to whom we pledge our full support. Our doctors and staff have helped set up India’s first Covid-19 Hospital and are committed to supporting the government in exhaustive screening, testing, prevention, and treatment of Covid-19,” said Nita Ambani, Founder Chairperson of Reliance Foundation.
Apart from the, the group is also expected to provide 50 lakh meals in the next 10 days across the nation.
“The need of the hour is also for us to support our marginalized and daily wage communities. Through our meal distribution programme, we aim to feed lakhs of people daily across the country,” Nita Ambani stated.