Patna: Janata Dal United (JDU) youth members on Sunday took to streets to oppose Rashtriya Janata Dal’s (RJD) move to observe Garib Adhikaar Diwas by beating utensils to show their protest against Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s virtual rally in Bihar.
JDU came in defense for Amit Shah by clapping hands.
Youth JDU spokesperson told ANI, “People of Bihar have come to know about 15 years of misrule. Citizens here very well know about the RJD. Everyone is clapping their hands while they are beating the utensils. That’s all they know, they haven’t done anything to respect anyone till date.”
RJD leaders Rabri Devi, Tejashwi Yadav and Tej Pratap Yadav on Sunday clanged utensils to protest against Amit Shah’s rally.