New Delhi: Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Wednesday tweetd a photo of the original document of the Constitution which has a sketch illustrating the Ramayana story of Lord Ram, Sita and Laxman returning to Ayodhya after defeating Ravan.
“Original document of the Constitution of India has a beautiful sketch of Lord Ram, Mata Sita and Laxman returning to Ayodhya after defeating Ravan,” Prasad wrote on Twitter.
“This is available at the beginning of the chapter related to Fundamental Rights. Felt like sharing this with you all,” he said.
Original document of the Constitution of India has a beautiful sketch of Lord Ram, Mata Sita and Laxman returning to Ayodhya after defeating Ravan.
This is available at the beginning of the chapter related to Fundamental Rights.
Felt like sharing this with you all.#JaiShriRam— Ravi Shankar Prasad (@rsprasad) August 5, 2020
Meanwhile PM Modi has arrived in Ayodhya for foundation laying ceremony of Ram Temple and prior to the historic moment, he has offered prayers at the Hanumangarhi temple.