New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party national vice president Uma Bharati has tested positive for coronavirus. The former Union Minister has quarantined herself at Vande Mataram Kunj between Haridwar and Rishikesh.
Uma Bharati on Twitter said that she has tested Covid-19 positive and asked everyone who had come in contact with her, to get a COVID-19 test done.
४) मेरे इस ट्वीट को जो भी मेरे संपर्क में आये हुए भाई- बहन पढ़े या उन्हें जानकारी हो जाये उन सबसे मेरी अपील है की वो अपनी कोरोना टेस्ट करवाये एवं सावधानी बरते ।
— Uma Bharti (@umasribharti) September 26, 2020