Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially inaugurated the programme marking the 25th anniversary of the National Technology Day. The event is set to take place from May 11-May 14, in the national capital.
An official statement was released earlier by the PMO which said that the PM will lay down foundation stone and dedicate various projects for the technological and scientific advancement of the country. The projects are estimated to be worth more than ₹5,800 crore.
The foundation stones for projects like Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory-India (LIGO-India), Platinum Jubilee Block of Tata Memorial Hospital and Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital and Research Centre will be laid today.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh were also part of the event.
The celebration of National Technology Day began after the former PM of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee dedicating it to the scientists and engineers for the advancements they contributed to the scientific and technological world and for their successful administration of tests in Pokhran.