Coimbatore: Coimbatore is witnessing a staggering drop in tomato prices, transforming the once-coveted vegetable from a ‘Kuberan’ into a ‘Kuchelan’ overnight. What was once a commodity fetching Rs 200 per kilograms is now available for as low as Rs 6. This price freefall has unfolded in the wake of recent disturbances, including thefts of tomato-laden trucks and heightened security measures.
Authorities report that the wholesale price of tomatoes at the bustling MGR market has plummeted to a jaw-dropping Rs 6 per kilogram. Just two months ago, tomato prices had been steadily on the rise due to a decrease in production. When the price soared to Rs 150 per kilograms, the government intervened, offering tomatoes at a subsidised rate of Rs 60 through ration shops. However, the situation has taken a dramatic turn with the advent of the harvest season.
Farmers, who had earlier struggled with skyrocketing tomato prices, are now grappling with the opposite dilemma. If the prices dip below Rs 10 per kilograms, they fear substantial losses. Presently, a 25-kilograme box of lower-quality tomatoes is being sold for a mere Rs 150, while early varieties can range between Rs 250 and Rs 300. Despite the market price touching Rs 10, many farmers are barely earning Rs 5 to Rs 6 per kilograms for their produce.
The MGR market, which typically accommodates around 10,000 boxes during peak tomato season, currently houses a mere 4,000. This surplus supply, coupled with dwindling demand, has created a dire scenario for local farmers, who now face the bleak prospect of further price erosion by a rupee or two.