Pathanamthitta : CM’s allegations and disrespect to Thantri and Panthalam Palace was attended by a representative of the palace. Sasikumar Varma clarifies that the relation between the palace and the temple will not be on a toss on the span of five years. CM’s insult was a lot to bare, Varma expressed his melancholy. A reminder, on the temples sole owner is the devotee, was made. Unlike the Government and TDB the royal family is not quenching on the revenue. TDB was never asked for money ,its only the authority that the palace claimed, to protect the tradition and custom of the temple. As per the covenant the giver still holds a claim to the temple on top of it the covenant reflects the need of protecting the temples customs. The royal family comes into the picture with a claim only because the traditions are trying to be broken.
The rules are build above the condition of the the royals’ ruling right on the temple. Thantri has the sole authority to decide on what is the custom and what not. Devotees are the supreme when it comes to deity and temple. CM’s statement, TDB is the owner to the temple, as his stand is wrong. TDB is just a trustee to the temple.
Narayana Varma from the palace added that no women devotee (believer) has ever reached Sannidhanan requesting for Ayyappa Darshan. No attempts on discrimination among the devotees were made, the discrimination was only between believers and challengers.