Kochi : High Court will consider Manjeswaram by-election case today. K Surendran will announce his stand in the court today. The court needs to know Surendran’s stand in the case, does he want to proceed with the case or he want it to end, Abdul Rasaq the accused is no more, this is why Surendran’s decision gains more value. When the court asked Surendran on his decision he responded that his stand on the case will be shared with the court in two days.
The accusition on Abdul Rasaq is that the election results were adulterated, 259 fake votes were polled , voted by the names of the dead and the migrated. Surendran lost the election by 89 votes.
Surendran has expressed his stand to continue with the case to the media. He may stick on to the same in the court too. In the scenario the election commission will not be able proceed with another by-election unless this case is resolved.