Malappuram: The Intelligence Bureau (IB) has launched an investigation to locate the fake Aadhaar card making team. The fake Aadhar card is being progressed in Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu.
It is also reported that police are conducting raids in several places including Tiruppur. On the basis of the findings by Janam TV, the following action was began by the IB.
According to investigation agencies, innumerable people from other countries including Bangladesh, have been residing in Kerala illegally. Most of them have fake Aadhaar cards with Indian address.
An agent in Tiruppur had claimed that more than 50 people had been issued with fake Aadhaar cards in Malappuram district alone. In this way, hundreds of Bangladeshis have been impersonated to be Bengalis.
According to government’s tally, about 50 lakh people from other states are living in Kerala. The IB will also look into whether these people are living based on the fake Aadhar cards.
It is learnt that they are currently seeking details from the local police in Tiruppur. There is also a suspicion on the agent involved in the creation of fake Aadhaar card, is an immigrant from Bangladesh.