Thiruvananthapuram: In a Janam TV impact, the Central Intelligence Bureau has launched a comprehensive investigation into the infiltration of Bangladeshis into Kerala. The development comes after Janam TV, exposed the impersonation of Bangladeshis residing in Kerala.
Janam TV had exposed about colonies being set up by illegal Bangladeshis in various parts of Kerala. The scenario came to lime light when Bangladeshis in Cherai Kuzhuppilly of Ernakulam, admitted themselves that they were not Bengalis but came from Bangladesh.
Following a preliminary investigation by state intelligence agencies, a comprehensive investigation has been launched by central agencies including IB. It is also clear that the election ID and Aadhaar cards issued by the Bangladeshis, including Mohammed Suhail and Zubail in Cherai, to the Munambam police earlier were forged ones.
The IB is also investigating on those who issued fake Indian identity cards for Bangladeshis.
Janam tv has also received inputs of Bangladeshis residing in Chavakkad and Chalakudy of Thrissur district. However, they have gone into hiding after the news was aired.
Illegal immigration of Bangladeshis in Kerala and their criminal backgrounds are being taken seriously by central agencies including IB. There are concerns that anti-national forces may use such criminal migrants to create disorder within the country.