Thiruvananthapuram: The CPI (M) on Monday lashed out at SNDP General Secretary and SN Trust Secretary Vellapally Nadesan over the appointment of Sree Narayana Guru Open University Vice-Chancellor. It has criticised Vellapally for providing back support to the Sangha Parivar, said in the Janayugam Daily.
The article goes on to say that it is a disgrace to Renaissance Kerala to have a narrow mindedness to make the Guru’s views as a whole untouchable and to hold an organized system empowered by the Guru as mere family property. They also say that Vellapally is trying to portray the works of the Guru as a piece of paper which expresses the concept of caste.
Vellapally had strongly criticized the rejection of the demand for the appointment of a person who had studied Sree Narayana Darshan in depth as the head of the Open University. He had also accused the government of repeating its practice of ousting backward and marginalized sections from power.