On the auspicious occasion of Vijayadashmi, the Vidyarambham ceremony took place in the state which introduces young children into the world of knowledge. ‘Vidya’ meaning knowledge and ‘arambham’ meaning beginning is performed on the last day of Navratri puja.
The first mantra that is made to write is ‘Om Hari Sri Ganapataye Namah’ which signifies all 51 devanagari letters that form the embodiment of the Naadarupini devi-the Goddess of Sound.
It is written in a tray filled with rice and the index finger of the child is held and he/she is made to write the mantra. The ritual also involves an invocation to Lord Ganapathy for an auspicious start to the learning process.
As per the beliefs, on this day of Vidyarambham Devi Saraswati, the Goddess of wisdom and knowledge and teachers or Gurus should be rendered ‘Gurudakshina’ as an emblem of Thanksgiving.
People of all caste and religions follow this ceremony and even are observed with complete enthusiasm and passion all across South India.