Thiruvananthapuram : The Government’s efforts to get women to overpower devotees in Sabarimala women entry, seems to be in vain. Various organizations have announced that, they will pull out from the ‘Vanitha Mathil’ if the Government aims at young admission with its action.
Many organisations had already made it clear, in the conference held by CM, that they will not take part in stand in favor of the women entry verdict. They do not consider ‘Vanitha Mathil’ as an action in favor of young admission to Sabarimala, if at all ‘Vanitha Mathil’ is to showcase peoples participation for Sabarimala women entry, the organisations will not take part in ‘Vanitha Mathil’.
52 organaisations have informed that they are backing out from ‘Vanitha Mathil’. Brahmin Sabha declared its stand, against Sabarimala women entry. Sabha also demanded to exclude Karimbuzha Raman, State President of Brahmana Sabha, from the event committee of ‘Vanitha Mathil’. SNDP General Secretary Vellappalli Nadeshan is the chairman of the Samithy. However support from communities is not yet assured for ‘Vanitha Mathil’.
The Government is proceeding with the formation of ‘Vanitha Mathil’ is to seek women’s support to oppose the believers society that exists for the protection of Sabarimala.