Thiruvananthapuram: Amidst the raging controversy around the movie The Kerala Story, five brave women have come together and vouched for the movie. They said that love jihad is a reality and share their harrowing experience of their life.
The five women Rudra, Chitra, Athira, Anakha, and Shruthi spoke about love jihad to an online media. These women were once converted to Islam and were lucky enough to escape with their lives before falling into a situation from which there was no coming back.
The online media says that these women had experienced the deep mental indoctrination after being converted to Islam. All the women strongly said that love jihad is a reality.
The women also said that it is double standards to say that a movie against terrorism is insulting to the state. The fact that many girls are trapped and end up in terrorist camps is the real insult.
One of the women also revealed that she would have ended up as a suicide bomber.
They said that the movie The Kerala Story must be released and every parent who has daughters must watch it and added that they were speaking out of their own experience.