Palakkad: In a peculiar turn of events, the Vigilance Department is poised to launch an investigation into the incident of a rat damaging an X-ray machine donated to the Palakkad District Hospital. The Ernakulam unit of the Vigilance Department has taken up the case following a formal complaint filed by public servant Boban Mattumanta.
The incident in question dates back to March 2021, when a private company donated an X-ray machine valued at Rs 92.6 lakh to the district hospital. However, the donation came with the stipulation that the hospital would provide the necessary facilities for the proper operation of the machine.
Controversy erupted when it was discovered that the X-ray machine had been severely damaged by a rat, casting a spotlight on the hospital’s failure to safeguard the valuable equipment. This curious and embarrassing occurrence led to a series of inquiries into the matter.
In a report submitted to the health minister, the Palakkad District Hospital estimated that the cost of maintenance and repairs to the machine, including the installation of protective mesh, would amount to approximately Rs 31.91 lakh.