Kozhikode: Kerala’s Health Minister, Veena George, has confirmed that the state has not recorded any new cases of the Nipah virus. In a press conference held on Sunday, she reassured the public that all efforts are being made to contain the virus’s spread.
According to a repot, 42 samples, including those from individuals in the high-risk category, have tested negative for the Nipah virus. The minister also disclosed that a medical student who had been isolated with suspected symptoms in Thiruvananthapuram has tested negative. However, the test result of another individual from Thiruvananthapuram is still pending.
Efforts to trace the contacts of Nipah-infected individuals in Kozhikode are ongoing, and the assistance of the police will be enlisted to identify mobile phone tower data for individuals suspected to have been in contact with the infected.
Veena George also announced that a central team, currently stationed in Kozhikode, will visit the 2018 Nipah Epic Center to conduct a thorough analysis of the outbreak.
The health department plans to collect over 100 samples for Nipah testing, with every individual listed in the high-risk category being tested. Furthermore, those in the contact list and individuals with suspected symptoms will be closely monitored for a period of 42 days. Samples will be collected from those who have completed 18 days since their last contact with infected individuals.
At present, Kerala has reported six positive Nipah cases in Kozhikode. Apart from Kozhikode, individuals in Malappuram, Wayanad, Kannur, and Thrissur are also included in the contact list, and vigilance in these regions remains high.