Alappuzha: The SC/ST Corporation has yet to return the title deed to the family of the late KG Prasad, a farmer who committed suicide amidst financial difficulties. Despite Prasad’s wife, Omana, approaching the Corporation with the full amount to settle the outstanding debt and retrieve the title deed, officials reportedly refused to cooperate.
The Corporation justified its stance by stating that Minister K Radhakrishnan has intervened to halt the confiscation proceedings, emphasizing that an investigation into the matter is currently underway. As a result, the release of the title deed is postponed until the investigation is complete. The Corporation has proposed an unusual condition for the release of the title deed. Omana must submit an affidavit stating that she no longer wishes to receive government benefits.
Actor Suresh Gopi came to the aid of Prasad’s family when Omana received a confiscation notice. Suresh Gopi paid Rs. 60,000, covering the principal and interest borrowed by Prasad’s wife from the SC/ST Corporation, ensuring the family’s ability to recover the withheld title deed.