Mumbai: Binoy Kodiyeri, accused of sexual assault case, has approached Mumbai High Court, requesting to cancel the police case against him. The court will consider Binoy’s plea on next Wednesday. Binoy has appeared before Oshiwara police station today, and he reiterated that he will not provide blood sample for DNA test. Binoy informed Police officers that his case is in High Court now.
The court, while permitting bail to Binoy days before, had asked him to be present in police station every Monday for a month. The court also directed in the bail demand that Binoy should provide blood sample for DNA test if the police asks for that. Last week, Binoy refused to take blood sample, telling health issues.
The rape case was filed against Binoy Kodiyeri at Mumbai Oshiwara police station by a woman, native of Bihar and former bar dancer in Mumbai, alleging she was sexually assaulted by Binoy for almost nine years. She also revealed that they have a boy child. The complainant in her petition says, Binoy had given fake promises, misused sexually, cheated and threatened.