Washington: Renowned actor David McCallum, celebrated for his roles in television series that endeared him to audiences, has peacefully passed away at the age of 90 at New York Presbyterian Hospital. He captivated the hearts of teenagers by portraying the iconic role of Ilya Kuryakin in the 1960s hit series ‘The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
He also portrayed the role of the forensic expert in over 450 episodes of NCIS. McCallum’s portrayal of the Russian agent Illya Kuryakin in ‘The Man From U.N.C.L.E.’ earned him Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominations. From 1979 to 1982, he took the lead role in the British science fiction series ‘Sapphire and Steel’. He also made guest appearances in numerous television shows, such as ‘Perry Mason,’ ‘The Outer Limits,’ ‘Murder, She Wrote,’ and ‘Sex and the City.’
McCallum was born in Scotland to parents with a musical background. Due to his musical upbringing, McCallum initially embarked on a career in music and garnered recognition for his contributions to symphony orchestras.