The new smartphone from Poco finally launched in India. Poco F5 5G and Poco F5 5G Pro are the two variants that were introduced. The phones which are given a powerful Snapdragon processor are best suited for gaming optimization. The phones come with an AMOLED screen which can render Dolby quality visuals.
The Poco F5 5G comes with an Android 13, supported by the MIUI 14 variant. With a 6.67 inch full HD display, the Poco phones are said to possess 120Hz adaptive rate and 240Hz touch rate as well. The screen is protected by Gorilla Glass 5. The Pro variant will also have same features but with a faster touch sampling rate of 480Hz.
While the Poco F5 will be working on Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2 chipset, the Poco F5 Pro will have the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chipset with a liquid cooling technology. The charging brick will come in the box, with the Pro variant having a 30W wireless and 67W wired fast charging. The F5 being just as efficient in specs will feature the same wired charging but does not have wireless charging option.
The Poco F5 5G’s price range starts at ₹29,999 for 8GB ram and 256 GB internal storage, varying with higher storage rate.