Kolkata: Filmmaker and actor Anurag Kashyap shared a cryptic post on his social media as a response to the ban of the film, The Kerala Story in West Bengal.
Kashyap said that whether you agree with a film or not, be it propaganda, counter propaganda, offensive or not, to ban it is just wrong. He also shared a quote of the French writer-philosopher Voltaire which read, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”
Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamta Banerjee announced the ban of the film on May 8. She said that the film was banned to prevent hate crimes and to maintain peace in the state.
Mamta Banerjee also allegedly stated that the story of the film is twisted up and is trying to defame Kerala with it.
On contrary, the producer of the movie Vipul Shah said that they will follow up on the legal procedures of the ban and will fight legally against it.