The film world is gearing up to depict the life of Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari in an upcoming movie. The teaser for the film, directed by Anurag Rajan Busari, was recently released, with a scheduled release date of October 27.
As of now, the casting for the role of Nitin Gadkari has not been announced. The teaser of the film begins with the words, ‘In a country renowned for its roads, I can proudly say that I am Nitin Jairam Gadkari.’ No further details about the film have been disclosed.
Meanwhile, there is growing anticipation to discover who will portray Nitin Gadkari in the movie. Anurag Rajan Busari, the director, expressed his motivation for making the film, stating, ‘His journey from an ordinary social worker to a Union Minister who revolutionized the transport system is inspiring. His personal story has the potential to inspire many others like myself. That’s why I wanted to create this film.’
Film enthusiasts are hopeful that the cinematic portrayal of Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, who played a pivotal role in transforming India’s transportation systems, will mark another milestone for the country.