Jammu: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Tuesday arrested the seventh accused in the Pulwama attack case. The case pertains to an IED blast on February 14, 2019 in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed.
The seventh accused, Bilal Ahmed Kuchey, is termed as ä terror associate” on July 5.
According to NIA, Kuchey provided logistic support to the Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorists involved in the Pulwama attack.
He also provided the JeM terrorists with high-end mobile phones which were used by them to communicate with the Pakistan-bases JeM leadership as well as among themselves for giving final touches to their planning and for the execution of the attack.
On Monday, he was produced before the NIA Special Court in Jammu and has been sent to 10 days remand for custodial interrogation.