CHENNAI: 12 people have lost their lives after consuming spurious liquor in Tamil Nadu. 35 people are undergoing treatment and it is reported that two of them are in critical condition. The incident happened in Villupuram and Chengalpattu areas in Tamil Nadu on last Friday. Three women are also among the dead.
Two people who have consumed the liquor died on Friday and a couple on Saturday. ANI reported that the authorities confirmed that the cause of death was consumption of spurious liquor.
Ekkiyapuram natives Suresh, Shankar, Dharanidharan are among the deceased. Many people were admitted to hospital following uneasiness after consuming the liquor. 12 of them died while undergoing treatment. The police have arrested one person named Amaran for making the spurious liquor. IG N Kannan informed that nine arrests have been reported so far in the hooch tragedy.