Benguluru: Shri Vijay Mahantesh Ayurvedic Medical College in Ilkal, Karnataka, suspended its afternoon classes on Wednesday, urging students to watch the film The Kerala Story. College officials said that the screening of the film will be free for the students.
The official statement was released by the principal of the college on May 23rd, Dr. K. C. Das, and read, “It is here by informed to all the lady students from 1st BAMS to final year BAMS and 1st year PG to final year PG students that for you tomorrow i.e. on 24.05.2023 all of you go to “Srinivas Talkies” to see Kerala Movie from 12.00pm to 3.00pm. You have to attend only morning class from 9.00am to 11.00am. You can see the movie free of cost. Afternoon classes are suspended tomorrow. All of you must see the movie.”
The film describes how women are coercively converted and recruited by the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS). Sudipto Sen wrote and directed the film, which stars actress Adah Sharma.
The West Bengal government had banned the film, alleging law and order, but the Supreme Court stayed the ban last week.