New Delhi: In a major development, The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday attached the properties of Janata Dal (RJD) Supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav in connection with the land-for-job scam. The properties under scrutiny include the residential house in New Friends Colony, Delhi, and other assets belonging to the Yadav family in Patna.
This move comes as part of the ongoing investigation by central agencies like the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the ED into a multi-crore scam revolving around the exchange of land for jobs within the Indian Railways. The focal point of the investigation revolves around Lalu Yadav, the former Bihar Chief Minister, and his family members.
The investigation focuses on allegations of individuals receiving Group D jobs in the Indian Railways in exchange for valuable land in Bihar. It is alleged that Lalu Prasad Yadav, who was the Railway Minister at the time, along with his family, accepted bribes in the form of land to secure these appointments.
The CBI FIR (First Information Report) accuses the Yadav family of acquiring over 1 lakh sq ft of land through the scam at a cost of just Rs 26 lakh, significantly undervaluing the land, whose fair value is estimated to be over Rs 4.39 crore.
Earlier, in relation to this scam, the Enforcement Directorate conducted searches at 24 locations in Delhi, Patna, Mumbai, and Ranchi. These raids yielded substantial results, with the seizure of unaccounted cash amounting to Rs 1 crore, along with foreign currency (USD 1900), 540 grams of gold bullion, and more than 1.5 kg of gold jewellery worth Rs 1.25 crore. In total, assets worth Rs. 600 crore were seized during these operations.