Seoul: According to official state media, North Korea marked the 73rd anniversary of the commencement of the Korean War with enormous demonstrations in Pyongyang, where attendees shouted slogans demanding a “war of revenge” against the United States. The state news agency KCNA stated that approximately 120,000 workers and students took part in these rallies held throughout the capital on Sunday.
Images released by state media depicted a crowded stadium filled with individuals holding placards displaying messages such as “The whole U.S. mainland is within our shooting range” and “The imperialist U.S. is the destroyer of peace.”
The anniversary coincided with concerns that North Korea might soon conduct another launch of its initial military spy satellite, aimed at enhancing its monitoring capabilities of U.S. military activities, following a failed attempt on May 31. According to KCNA, North Korea now possesses “the strongest absolute weapon to punish the U.S. imperialists,” and the people of North Korea are resolute in seeking revenge against the enemy.
As tensions escalate with South Korea and the United States, nuclear-armed North Korea has been conducting tests of various weapons, including its largest intercontinental ballistic missile. In a separate report from the foreign ministry, North Korea accused the U.S. of “desperate efforts to ignite a nuclear war,” citing the deployment of strategic assets to the region. It’s important to note that North and South Korea technically remain at war, as the 1950–53 conflict concluded with a truce, not a treaty.
Additionally, North Korea has been investing in drone programmes to bolster its military capabilities along the border. Recent reports suggest that the country has begun testing a new large drone at its Panghyon airbase, with an estimated wingspan of approximately 115 feet (35 metres), surpassing the size of a 65-foot drone observed at the same airbase earlier this year.