Reports say that Instagram is planning to launch a rival app aimed at the micro-blogging app Twitter. Recently, some visuals were leaked, which confirmed the rumour to be true.
According to media reports, the leaks show how the app looks and how it can be synced with other Meta products like Instagram and other apps.
The new app is said to be an independent app from Instagram, but the user interface it provides is very similar to that of IG and Twitter.
The leaked images show an app that strongly resembles Instagram’s bottom navigation bar, where users can quickly switch between the home page, profile page, etc., but the new app seems to have replaced the home icon with that of the news feed icon and also removed the reels icon as well.
The app shows the Twitter-based element of threaded replies and is expected to allow users to post text updates with a 500-character length limit, while Twitter still only allows 280 characters for their free users.
Based on a (somewhat blurry) example I got, Meta's new app looks a lot like Twitter.
So, could this take over all the Twitter screenshots we've been seeing on the Feed lately? Maybe.
It’s impossible to predict how audiences will respond but this could be an alternative.
— Lia Haberman (@liahaberman) May 19, 2023
The new app is not multimedia-free, as an excerpt from one of the screenshots reads, “Create with text and attach links, photos, and videos. Engage with likes and replies to deepen connections with friends, fans, and other creators.”
The leaked excerpt also added that, “Soon, our app will be compatible with certain other apps like Mastodon. Users on these other apps will be able to search for, follow, and interact with your profile and content if you’re public user or if you’re private and approve them as followers.”
As per reports, the official launch of the app is expected to be in the month of June, as Meta is currently testing it with influencers and some creators. An official name has not been given yet, but it is rumoured that it will either be P92 or Barcelona.
An added advantage for this new app is that, unlike other ventures that have to start from scratch, it can leverage the 2.35 billion active users on Instagram.