IndiaMART founder-CEO Dinesh Agarwal, co-founder Brajesh Agrawal and Mathura-based supplier Ankur Agrawal, were booked on Sunday for allegedly putting up for sale online of rocks taken from the Govardhan Hill.
Govardhan Hill in Mathura is considered a sacred site for Hindus, who believe Lord Krishna is embodied in the earth of the hill.
Action would be taken against the company, its CEO, and the supplier for hurting religious feelings by misusing the facility of information technology, SP (Rural) Shirish Chandra said.
According to the police, the website claimed that the rocks were “natural” and quoted its price as Rs. 5,175 per piece.
An FIR, based on a complaint by Mathura-based social worker Keshav Mukhia at Govardhan police station has been filed, under Section 265 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 66 of the Information Technology Act against the three people. Ten more complaints on the issue filed at the same station have been clubbed for a single probe.