New Delhi: Indian Air Force (IAF) informed that it has received over 60,000 applications under Agnipath scheme till yesterday. The closing date of the application is on 5 July.
The IAF commented on twitter about the recruitment process, training and financial package of the scheme.
The force started accepting applications from June 24th. Though several protests erupted in the country against the project, Agnipath received a wide range of acceptance within the first three days. Force clarified that the people who participated in the protests are not allowed to enter in the scheme.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the Agnipath scheme on14th June . People under the age of 17.5 to 23 can apply for this project. The Centre has announced that 25% of the Agniveers will be posted permanently to the force after completing four years of service. Remaining 75% will get special preference in the State Public Services.
After the declaration of the Agnipath scheme, protests erupted around 10 states in the country. It is said that there is a political conspiracy behind the protests that took place without proper reason.