Mumbai [Maharashtra]: Actor Anushka Sharma and Cricketer husband Virat Kohli were blessed with a baby girl on January 11 this year. The couple has now shared the first picture of the baby girl with her parents. The baby has been named as ‘Vamika’, revealed the actor in her Instagram post.
“We have lived together with love , presence and gratitude as a way of life but this little one , Vamika, has taken it to a whole new level ! Tears , laughter , worry , bliss – emotions that have been experienced in a span of minutes sometimes ! Sleep is elusive but our hearts are SO full. Thanking you all for your wishes , prayers and good energy”, wrote Anushka with a beautiful family picture.
The most followed couple in Bollywood became parents to the baby girl on Jan 11 and soon after the good news, the couple asked the Paparazzis and other social media pages to avoid carrying any content that featured their child while they ensured every possible content featuring the actor and the Skipper.