Sandeep Singh and Rashmi Sharma announced their new film, Tipu. The title itself adds the line, “The Story of A Fanatic Sultan”. Usually Tipu is shown as the ideal hero and freedom fighter that fought the British. However this story promises to showcase a darker side of Tipu. The film will be directed by Pawan Sharma, while author Rajat Sethi will research and develop the story.
Producer Sandeep Singh said that, the story shocked him as it exposed an unseen side of the sultan’s regime. He also adds that his films stand for the truth, and with the same intention he wants to present this story as a movie. He continued on how he was brainwashed by textbooks and wants to show the true side of Tipu for the future generation.
Director Pawan Sharma said that what is taught at schools is misinformation. As a Hindu he was shaken to know about this reality and how much prejudiced was the Muslim king, demolishing temples and churches to convert more people to Islam.
Author Rajat Sethi said that textbooks and pop culture failed to expose the true autocratic nature of the sultan and instead hero-worshiped him.
Eros International is in association with the film which is set to release in Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada.