Mumbai: In his ‘Rokthok’ column in Saamana, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut has taken an indirect jibe at its ally Congress and dared those accusing Savarkar of apologising to the British to spend even 72 hours in the Andaman prison.
Raut wrote, “People who have no contribution in the freedom struggle and the formation of the country have put Savarkar in the dock. This has become a fashion now. There is a controversy over Savarkar once again. Questions have also been raised over the participation of Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru in the freedom struggle, but the torture and torment faced by the likes of Savarkar and other freedom fighters was never faced by Gandhi, Nehru, Bose, Sardar Patel, and others. Some freedom fighters like Savarkar went to the gallows in the Andaman prison every day for 14 years.”
He added, “Savarkar stayed in the Andaman prison for 14 years. The people who criticise him for apologising should dare to stay in that place for 72 hours.”
The controversy over Savarkar began after Congress President Rahul Gandhi said that he was not Rahul Savarkar to apologise for his sly remark, “Rape In India”.
This remark of Rahul Gandhi had triggered exasperation against him by Shiv Sena’s Sanjay Raut.