Prime Minister Narendra Modi challenged Mamata Banerjee’s khela hobe slogan on Thursday (March 18) and promised jobs, development and education in the poll-bound state of West Bengal.
While Addressing a public meeting in West Bengal’s Purulia, PM Modi said, “Didi says Khela Hobe, BJP says Vikas Hobe. Didi says Khela Hobe, BJP says Vikas Hobe, Sonar Bangla Hobe. Didi says Khela Hobe, BJP says chakri hobe, development hobe, education hobe, hospital hobe, school hobe, sonar bangla hobe.”
The Prime Minister also accused Trinamool Congress Government of depriving the people of Purulia of water and for giving it an identity of being one of the most backward areas of the country.
PM Modi assured people that after the formation of BJP Government, development will take place in West Bengal and their problems will be dealt with on priority.