Amid the rising cases of COVID-19 in Uttar Pradesh, the Yogi Adityanath-led government has taken a big decision and issued an order to all the government hospitals, medical colleges, and institutions to purchase medicines and equipment without following the tendering process for the next three months.
Similarly, an exemption has been allowed for services in government hospitals, medical colleges, and institutions.
As the coronavirus infection is rising on a daily basis, it may take time to adopt the tender process for medicines, equipment, and instantaneous services. Therefore, the purchase of the medicines from April 12 to July 11, without the tender, has been allowed.
On the instructions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Principal Secretary of Medical Education has issued an order on Friday that there is no need to follow the tendering norms for the purchase of medicines or manpower at the local level so that there is no shortage of medicines and equipment in government hospitals, medical colleges, and medical institutions. To bring transparency in the purchase, guidelines have been issued and several conditions have also been added.