Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired high-level meeting on Covid-19 situation with Chief Ministers of 11 states and Union Territories which have reported maximum number of cases recently. His discussion with Arvind Kejriwal, which went live on TV for some time, became controversial.
Kejriwal expressed “regret” as PM Modi objected to an “in-house meeting” being telecast live. In parts of the meeting that went live Delhi Chief Minister talked about the capital’s oxygen crisis.
“We fear a big tragedy may happen due to oxygen shortage and we will never be able to forgive ourselves. He said oxygen tankers were being stopped from entering the city. Please suggest whom should I speak to in the central government when an oxygen tanker meant for Delhi is stopped in another state,” said Kejriwal.
Government sources later accused him of using the platform to “play politics”. Private conversations of PM’s meeting with Chief Ministers being televised is considered as breach of protocol.