New Delhi: The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind graced and addressed the 125th year celebrations of Laxmibai Dagadusheth Halwai Datta Mandir Trust today in Pune, Maharashtra.
Speaking on the occasion, the President appreciated the Dagadusheth family for being instrumental in establishing the Ganpati temple and the Dattatreya temple in Pune. He noted that Dagadusheth was also closely associated with Lokmanya Tilak in celebrating Ganpati festival. He said that the Ganpati festival has made an invaluable contribution in our national politics. This festival has emerged as a source of nationalism and social harmony against the British rule.
The President was happy to note that apart from preserving and renovating the Lord Dattatreya temple, the Smt Laxmibai Dagadusheth Halwai Datta Mandir Trust is also engaged in various social welfare works such as providing scholarships for poor students and food for orphanages and old age homes. He appreciated the Dagadusheth family and the Trust for their social and welfare initiatives.