Kochi: Anticipatory bail plea filed by Swapna Suresh was dismissed today by single bench, in the view that the charges are bailable. The Government stated in court that the present situation does not warrant Swapna’s arrest.
Case had been taken against Swapna, on the basis of the complaint filed by K T Jaleel and so, Swapna approached court to secure anticipatory bail. The Government informed the court that she can approach the court if at all she has any complaints against police torture. And moreover, the charges filed are bailable too. The Director of prosecution argued that the allegations are baseless and hence, there is no point in filing for anticipatory bail.
Meanwhile Adv. Krishnaraj, Swapna’s lawyer told media that she is fed up with police torture. Shaj Kiran approached Swapna as the messenger of CM and he raised grave threats. Audio clips, related to Shaj Kiran will be released tomorrow, added Adv. Krishnaraj.
Adv. Krishnaraj informed media that he has no connection with RSS, he provides legal advice to Swapna as a lawyer.