Bengaluru, June 14 (UNI) President Ram Nath Kovind on Tuesday said that Akshaya Patra and its supporting organisations provided over 25 crore meals to distressed people during Covid-19. The school lunch movement was inspired by Srila Prabhupada’s wish that nobody, especially children, should go hungry within a 10-mile radius of a Krishna temple, he said.
“This initiative feeds fresh, nutritious mid-day meals to over 18 lakh children in government schools across the country every day,” Kovind said at the Lokarpan ceremony of Sri Rajadhiraja Govinda Temple at Vaikuntha Hill here. He said that such humanitarian-assistance-interventions have benefitted all sections of society.
The President said: “Temples have been among the most important symbols of Hinduism. At one level, they are sacred sites. Worshippers feel the presence of the divine, be it in the form of vibrations or energy or a rush of the intense devotional feelings. Coming to a spot like this, one can leave the world and its noise behind and feel enveloped in peace.
“At another level, temples are often much more than places of worship. They are like the sangam sthal, or the point of holy confluence, of art, architecture, language and knowledge traditions,” he added.