Lucknow: Yameen Siddhiqui, a 23 year old Muslim youth tattooed UP CM, Yogi Adityanath’s picture on his chest. The boy said that the CM is his role model and he literally changed the face of UP with his generous policies and actions. He tattooed the picture on Yogi’s last birthday, earlier this month, and the boy said that this is a birthday gift for the CM.
Yameen said that he has received lot of criticism from his family and friends after tattooing the picture. But it doesn’t affect his love or respect towards the CM. Yameen runs a footwear shop in the boundary village of Farrukhabad and Mainpuri districts.
The boy said that his wish is to meet the CM and show him the tattoo. He said that Yogi has altered the state and there is no discrimination among Hindus and Muslims and both get the benefits of all schemes equally.
Yogi Adityanath has actually become a more prominent personality in the state after his tremendous victory in the re-election that happened in March, 2022.