New Delhi: Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar hailed Central Government’s newly-announced scheme, Agnipath. He called it as a significant step for ‘new India’ on Wednesday, while speaking to ANI and also marked his disagreement in the opposition’s criticism.
“Agnipath is much required reform to reduce average age of Armed forces and for transformation to even more deadly and potent Combat force + whilst continuing path for those who pursue a career in Service, it also gives opportunities to those who want to serve short soldiering stint. #Agniveer” Minister tweeted.
The Minister said ” We are not longing for the opposition’s approval. We are continuously working hard under the leadership of the Prime Minister to gain approval of the people of India.”
He added that the recent electoral results can be considered as the direct results of the party’s post-COVID opportunities.
Agnipath is a project recently announced by the Central Government. It provides opportunities for the youngsters under the age group of 17.5 to 21 years to serve military forces for a short period of time. This will enable the youth to work in the Army, Air Force and Navy for four years. Those who join the army will get attractive salaries and benefits. . 46,000 youngsters will be recruited annually to the Army, Navy and Air force team under this project.