Thiruvananthapuram: Though news is spreading on the call for a Bharat Bandh against Agnipath scheme, no organization in the state has called for a Bandh today. It is just a social media campaign and the police have also come out against this. The circular published by the State Police Media Cell also created confusions among the people.
The Director General of Police, Anil Kant, had given strict guidelines to the police forces about the necessary precautions to be taken at the time of the protests. They have arranged security for the Courts, Electricity board, KSRTC, and other major Government offices, institutions and also for private buses.
The police informed that they are ready to resist and control actions that disrupt public life and destroy public properties. Strict actions will be taken against agent provocateurs who forcefully close down shops. The DGP informed the entire police force to be on full time duty today.