New Delhi: In the last 24 hours, 12,781 people have been diagnosed with Covid that rises the total number of cases to 4,33,09,473.
The death toll climbed up to 5,24,873 with 18 fresh fatalities and the current death rate has increased with 1.21 percent. The daily positivity rate is recorded as 4.32 and the weekly positivity rate is 2.62 per cent. It is after 130 days the positivity rate crosses 4 percent.
Currently, 76,700 patients are being treated in the country. Statistics show there are 4,226 more active patients than last day. The recovery rate is 98.61 percent.
Maharashtra and Kerala have the highest number of reported cases in the country. More than 3,000 patients are reported in both states. A total of 4,004 cases were reported in Maharashtra yesterday. In Kerala, 3,376 people have been diagnosed with the disease.